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I agree.V Lae Vegas - October 16, 1961 4ir• C« Me Goxys Las Vegas oo - Mr, William Reinhardt Mr. £. 15. Bennett will you please prepare usual form of refund agreement data for which follows with Southrldge Development Company, a Nevada Corporation with place of business at 1800 Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, Nevada, data for which follows: Recitals Whereas Subdivider proposed to develop an additional unit of Southridge Addition, Las Vegas, Nevada, the location of said unit being outlined in green on map attached hereto narked Exhibit “A* identified as 0^0 A 988 dated September 26, 1951 and has requested Company to extend its Water mains to serve said unit as follows: Commencing at a connection with existing 8 * cast Iron water main in South tenth Street at the intersection of Canotm Avenue thence continuing southerly in South T^nth Street with an 8 * main approximately 270 , tm% to Bonita Avenue thence continuing easterly in Bonita Avenue to and across Lot 4 of Block 6 as indicated upon said map, a distance of appro xlmately 1160 feet to the southeast corner of said lot 4 , thence continuing northerly at right angle with an 8 * main approximately pgo feet more or less to a connection with an existing 8 ** cast iron water stain in Cafiosa Avenue, and the construction of approximately