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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, March 1, 1922 to May 10, 1929, lvc000002-331


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    Thereupon, followed a discussion of the paving problems by the Board and assembled citizens. Thereafter His Honor the Mayor referred the six petitions of remonstrance and the three petitions for withdrawal from petitions of remonstrance to the City Clerk and the City Assessor for checking and ordered said City Clerk and said City Assessor to make a report of their findings at an adjourned regular meeting to be held on Tuesday, the 5th day of June, 1928, at the hour of three o'clock P. M. No further business appearing it was ordered, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried that this meeting adjourn until Tuesday, the 5th day of June, 1928, at the hour of three o'clock P. M. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS, CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA, June 5, 1928. At an adjourned regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada, held on the 5th day of June, 1928, at the Hour of three o'clock P. M. Pres­ent: His Honor the Mayor, J. F. Hesse; Commissioners O. J. Smith, W. B. Mundy, W. C. German and Roy Neagle, together with the City Attorney and Clerk. Meeting called to order by the Mayor. At the direction of the Mayor the City Clerk presented and read to the Board the certificate of findings of the City Clerk and City Assessor in cheeking the petitions of remonstrance against the paving of certain streets in the City of Las Vegas, said certificate reading as follows: STATE OF NEVADA ) COUNTY OF CLARK )SS. CITY OF LAS VEGAS) WE, WM. L. SCOTT, the duly elected, qualified and acting County Clerk of the County of Clark, State of Nevada, and ex-officio Clerk of the City of Las Vegas, in said County and State, and F. C. DeVINNEY, the duly elected, qualified and acting County Assessor of said County of Clark and ex-officio Assessor of said City of Las Vegas, being heretofore directed by the Board of City Commissioners of said City of Las Vegas to check and report to said Board upon the attached six (6) petitions of remonstrance, containing 227 names, and three (3) petitions for withdrawal, containing 27 names, do hereby certify that we have examined and checked the same and find as follows: That said petitions of remonstrance con­tain the names of 118 persons qualified to remonstrate, after deducting 27 names under said petitions of withdrawal and 82 names of persons representing property outside of the district to be assessed and names not on property roll; that the total frontage of property to be assessed is 20,540 feet; that the qualified pe­titioners for remonstrance represent 8,753 1/3 feet and that the petitioners for withdrawal represent 1395 5/6 feet, leaving 8,753 1/3 feet represented by the parties remonstrating, being 1516 2/3 feet less than fifty per cent of the frontage to be assessed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the City of Las Vegas, this 4th day of June, 1928. Wm. L. Scott, City Clerk (SEAL) F. C. DeVinney, City Assessor Thereupon it was moved by Commissioner Smith that the Board accept the check made by the City Clerk and City Assessor, with the provision that the same may be later rechecked. Seconded by Commissioner Mundy. Carried upon the following vote: Commissioners Smith, Mundy, German and Neagle and His Honor the Mayor, Hesse, Aye. Noes, none. Upon motion by Commissioner Mundy, seconded by Commissioner Smith and duly carried the fol­lowing resolution was adopted, the vote being as follows: Commissioners Smith, Mundy, German and Neagle and His Honor the Mayor, Aye. Noes, None. RESOLVED, that the check of frontage of property within the district to be assessed for the paving of streets in this City and the report thereon prepared and presented by the City Clerk and City Assessor of this City be and the same is hereby adopted, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Board finds that there is not sufficient frontage of pro­perty represented by petitioners of remonstrance to constitute fifty per cent of the total property to be assessed for said street paving. No further business appearing the meeting was adjourned.