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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, December 8, 1959 to February 17, 1960, lvc000012-57


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    It was City Attorney Cory's opinion this would be a satisfactory method. Attorney Rulon Earl explained further that there were two parcels on 28th Street, one of which had heretofore been purchased outright by the Housing Authority and about which they were not worried; however, the Housing Authority had a two year option on the second parcel - which was a binding option - and, for the purpose of exchanging land, they would use the appraised figure on that parcel. His Honor, Mayor Gragson, inquired if the Housing Authority had paid the appraised value when they purchased the land to be traded to the City, to which Mr. Earl replied in the affirmative and stated the land to be traded had been appraised by Government appraisers; that the land on which the Housing Authority had an option (on 28th Street) had been appraised by the City; that, in exercising the option, the Housing Authority would pay cash for the 28th Street property but, for purposes of valuation, would use the appraised figure of the land to be traded to the City, adding that the Housing Authority would only trade the land between "N" and Washington to the City if they received the price they paid for it. City Attorney Cory stated that the price of the land to be traded by the Housing Authority to the City would be offset against the land which the Housing Authority had under option on 28th Street and which it desired to purchase. Commissioner Fountain stated they would only trade on appraised values Mr. Earl replied that it had to be at their cost, dollar for dollar. City Attorney Cory explained that the Housing Authority's property (between "N" and Washington) had been appraised by Government Authorities, the City having made no appraisal on that. Attorney Rulon Earl stated they had to get their money out of the land to be transferred; they desired no profit, just their cost figure. City Attorney Cory remarked that, as part of the resolution, there should be an instruction to the City Attorney to have an ordinance prepared for presentation at the next regular meeting of the Commission. Commissioner Whipple inquired if there shouldn't be a motion to rezone and then another motion to make the trade. To this Mr. Cory replied that a motion to rezone would not be effective until the ordinance had been presented and Commissioner Whipple stated he would like to have something for the record, to show the Board had accepted the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Mr. Earl then remarked they wanted a third resolution to rezone the Housing Authority property on 28th Street which they had previously purchased and that a request to that effect had been presented. It was City Attorney Cory's suggestion that action be taken on one matter at a time. Commissioner Fountain moved that the recommendation of the Planning Commission, with reference to rezoning the property to be acquired by the City, be approved. Motion seconded by Commissioner Whipple and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Elwell, Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor, Mayor Gragson, voting aye; noes, none. Commissioner Sharp remarked that everyone on the Board was aware of his position on this matter, referring to the fact that Commissioner Sharp's firm is the architect for the Housing Authority. Commissioner Whipple moved the City trade to the Housing Authority the land under option to the Housing Authority on 28th Street in return for property between Washington and "N" now owned by the Housing Authority and that the Government appraisal on the Housing Authority's property be used as a basis for evaluating the 28th Street property. Motion seconded by Commissioner Fountain and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Elwell, Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor, Mayor Gragson, voting aye; noes, none. Commissioner Fountain moved that the land presently owned by the Housing Authority on 28th Street, designated as Parcel 1, be rezoned as requested by the Housing Authority and the City Attorney instructed to prepare the necessary ordinance amendment. Motion seconded by Commissioner Whipple. Commissioner Elwell inquired if there were any protestants to this rezoning and a member of the Planning Department stated there were two protests. 2-3-60