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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    M 6553 Sunset B l ’ vd Los Angeles C a l i f , a Q June 1st .117 L Mr Arthur Maguire C hf. E n'gr L°s Angeles & S a lt Lake R.R. L°s Angeles C a l i f . D®ar S ir * - Up to June 1st the fo llo w in g work has been eomp Yegas 16” v i t .pipe Water L in e. / A l l excavation except under T&T R .H .ytrack completed Of the 9000 l i n f t o f p ip e needed,8^2 0 l i n f t has been hauled and d is­trib u te d . along d itc h . 450 cu.yds o f g ra v e l hauled e 250 bbls oement hauled and used,400 bbls yet to haul. 2/5 o f s t e e l hauled and used ibuted,150 cu.yds yet to haul 2400 l i n f t o f 16” p ip e la id where not concreted,600 l i n f t y et to la y 2250 l i n f t o f 16” p ip e la id and cone r e te d ,3750 l i n f t yet to la y I estim ate 65fo o f the o r ig in a l con tra ct is c o n p le te d ,th is 65/? amounts i to $2400* The matter o f extra con crete and extra excavation I w i l l adjust w ith you at com pletion o f work. Work completed — -----------— — ---------------- $2400.00 Amount p a id me fo r A p r il estim ate — — ----------------- 468.23 r'Mf v'M, ? l / % v \ o-o < *1, 4 o . p : $1931.77 Less 10^. r e t a in e d ---- 195.17 Amount due ----$1738.60 V ery tr u ly yours (2 ^ C_. ,r <? ( ^ i /r\i U C H E R E D