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Mr. Knickerbocker: A p r il 2, 1936. The number of gallon s shown above is taken from meter readings made by R ailroad employee each month, and r e fe r s to the amount o f \mter d e liv e re d to the Las Vegas land and Sater Company fo r use in the c it y . F ollow in g is a comparative statement o f the to ta l water produced during these p eriods, which includes the p o rtio n d e liv e re d to the c it y , the p ortion consumed in r a i l road operations and the surplus running down Las Vegas creek during the w inter months, as shown by w eir measurements taken in July 1931 and June 1935 r e s p e c tiv e ly : 1931 1955 Water produced 2,128,378,145 1,786,955,320 The w eir measurements showed a production o f 5,831,173 gallon s per day in July 1931, and 4,895,768 gallon s per day in June 1935, which included the flo w from the w e ll, Big Spring and L i t t l e Spring, in each instance. The monthly charge fo r ”Rent o f Pipe L in e ” paid by the Water Company to the R ailroad company, is based on the percentage of water d e liv e re d .to the Water company. In 1928 our monthly payments on th is account were $200.00; in 1929 th is was increased to $975.00 per month, and in 1935 fu rth er increased to $14 76.99 per month. In the f i r s t three months o f the current year, up to date, we have in s ta lle d 27 new s e rv ic e connections, p rin c ip a lly to new homes being constructed in the South and Wardie A d d ition s, and the con stru ction o f a la rg e number of a d d itio n a l homes is contemplated. You w i l l note the 27 new services in s ta lle d so fa r th is year brings the t o t a l up to 1913 services an increase o f 20 per cent over 1931, but the to ta l water produced has decreased about a m illio n g a llo n s per day. Yours very tr u ly ,