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    Hr. Frank strong Page #8 October 26, 1946 aoaept the responsibility and criticism that would certainly result froa bis efforts to taln individual from securing a suppl yp roevfe wnatt earn,y o one hri- s land. Booond, X seriously question whether the Stats Engineer could aako hia refusal stick, even though ho ware basked up kgr suoh a protest. It would have to b o shown that there was no unappropriated water remaining in the ahannel,— a more or less simple natter with aurfaoe streams, but praotleally an Impossibility w ith underground souroes. Of course, when the day arrives when there aotually Is an interference with existing wells caused by too many wells doereasing the flow, than the State Engineer must adjudicate the water o n the basis of priorities granted sines the water Law became effeetlve In 1915. people of thiYosu are familiar with the attitude of the the contacts andco dmimsucnuistsy ioonn wteh eh waadt eirn oquuers tNioovne,m bferro 1m9 44 meeting with the Chamber of County Commissioners, State OCfofmmiecricael,s City Commissioners, ested parties. The people of Lae and other Inter­the people of Lot Angelas or any otVheegra se ofmeneuln ljtuysit liItk e tIhsi ts he raeponeltdlty of the water Company to provide the Jcoobm tmhuneint wyi wlli th water, and If they can't handle have to get our water supply from Lparkovei Hsooai d otrhe ys ofnsa eolt htehra t stouhrec ea.r teHsoiwaenv esru,p ptlyh esrheo Iusl da b y wnhialn m etahne st ibmee caornrsievrevse df ofro rb rdionmgeistnigc Iuns ew;a taern dt hIrfu and B.u.l. pipe line, this latter eupply can the be devoted to Irrigation. I repeat, that la the concensus of opinion atom otnagk oe uorn rolet losf.e ns,P eresaocnha lolfy ,w hoI md boa an oht ibse ollwenv tpr Iobtl wemosu ld bo flnanolally practicable to bring the water in from Lwaokuel dH neaotd wtaon tIr troi gpautte tohuirs o vwanl lIenyv,e stamnedn It Icenr tsauionhl ya project. Therefore, It behooves pa to protect our­tsherloveusg. h LAasa lVeognags a wse w wei lclo nrteiqnuuei rteo w aotpeerr.a te Aand r atihler opaedo ple hoafp tpheen sC oomumtu niint y will need water for domestic use. What the Paradise Valley may remotely affaot us, but a method had been provided to taka ears of that, as evidenced by tbs activity of the Artesian Valla