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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    V v February 18, 1930 (w-23-2-3) Y-5 national Meter Company We are giving consideration at this time to the use of meters for our water service at Yermo, California, and will require approximately sixty of them. Our service main at Yezroo shows a preference for your meters, as he is now handling a 4” and 6" which are giving very satisfactory service. Will you please furnish me with the following information: 2s,. Can you furnish meters ranging from 5/8" up with straight reading register, as wo prefer them tc the circular reading register with several endiee. 2, Your prices with all discounts. 3,. What are the reactions of a 5/3N meter, a 5/S"x3/4" meter, and a straight 3/4" meter on a 3/4" service line. In going over this situation recently, 1 had a reading made of two National meters, and am attaching a diagram showing the position of the figures on the dial as well as the reading taken by our service man. Will you please confirm or correct readings made by him Yours truly, WALTER R, BRACKEN Enol.l. fA