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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, September 21, 1955 to November 20, 1957, lvc000010-531


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada , at a regular meeting held July 3, 1957; having considered the application of George Harmon for variance to build within the rear yard setback to within 12 feet of the rear property line on Lot 11, Block 1, Biltmore Addition, known as 110 East Bonanza Road, in an R-4 zone; and The Board having considered the recommendation of the Board of Adjustment denying this application and having discussed conditions in support of this application. NOW, THEREFORE, it is the decision of this Board that the application of George Harmon to build within the rear yard setback to within 12 feet of the rear prop­erty line on Lot 11, Block 1, Biltmore Addition, be and the same hereby is approved, subject to the posting of a bond by the applicant for the installation of off-site improvements as agreed upon in the signed agreement. Motion seconded by Commissioner Bunker and carried by the following vote: Commis­sioners Bunker, Fountain, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Commissioner Sharp. The Commission considered the application of the Redrock Baptist Church for a use permit to erect a church on the Northeast comer of Fir and Upland Boulevard, in an R-1 zone. Planning Director Bills advised the Commission that the Board of Adjustment ap­proved this application, subject to an agreement and bond for the installation of off-site improvements. Mr. Bills stated that the agreement had been signed but the bond not submitted at this time. His Honor asked if there were any objections to the granting of this Use Permit. No protests were voiced or filed. Thereafter Commissioner Fountain moved this application for use permit be approved, subject to the posting of a bond, and the following resolution adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada at a regular meeting held July 3 1957; having considered the application of the Redrock Baptist Church for a use permit to construct and maintain a church on the Northeast comer of Fir and Upland Boulevard; and The Board having considered the recommendation of the Board of Adjustment approv­ing this application; NOW, THEREFORE, it is the decision of this Board that the application of the Bed­rock Baptist Church for a use permit to construct, operate and maintain a church on the Northeast comer of Fir and Upland Boulevard, be and the same hereby is approved, subject to the applicant filing a bond for the installation of off-site improvements. Motion seconded by Commissioner Whipple and carried by the following vote: Com­missioners Bunker, Fountain, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Ab­sent: Commissioner Sharp. At this time Traffic Engineer A1 Bossi presented to the Commission a map showing alley parking restrictions in the downtown area. Mr. Bossi explained that the alleys involved in this recommendation of the Traffic & Parking Commission run east and west, parallel with Fremont Street, from Main Street to 6th Street. One alley, designated for convenience as "1-N", lies be­tween Fremont and Ogden;the other alley, designated "1-S" is between Fremont and Carson. The Traffic Engineer stated that in Alley 1-N the existing parking restrictions prohibit parking on the North side and permit parking on the South side. In Alley 1-S parking is prohibited on the South side, and allowed on the North side. Mr. Bossi stated that it is the recommendation of the Traffic and Parking Commis­sion after extensive study, that parking in these alleys should be restricted in specific locations. He reported that his Commission had taken in to consideration the location of fire exits, fire escape ladders, electrical control switches and other door exits, as well as utility poles. He explained the recommendation as follows, and requested amendment of the Ordinance: 1. Along the east and west side of the alley running north to south between Fremont and Ogden, located between Main and 1st Streets, be­ginning 30 feet south of the alley running west to east located be­tween Fremont and Ogden north a distance of 75 feet. 2. Along the north side of the alley running west to east located between Fremont and Ogden; beginning at the alley running north to south loca­ted between Main and 1st east a distance of 30 feet. 3. Along the south side of the alley running west to east located between Fremont and Ogden and beginning at the alley running north to south lo­cated between Main and 1st Streets east to 4th Street. 4. Along the north side of the alley running west to east located between Fremont and Ogden, beginning at 4th Street east to 6th Street. 5. Along the south side of the alley running west to east located between Fremont and Carson beginning at 4th Street east to 6th Street. 6. Along the north side of the alley running west to east located between Fremont and Carson, beginning at 2nd Street east to 4th Street. USE PERMIT U-4-57 Redrock Baptist Church Approved ALLEY PARKING RESTRICTIONS Commercial District