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I agree.J He: LVL&WCo. vs. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISION, Cass #16, 645. W®. Reinhardt } Stipulation ^ __ ^ I f l e s e e h« advised that the Supplemental Complaint in the above entitled matter urns filed on January I4th, 1952, and that aarvlea haa bean effected on both the "Chairman of the Public Ser vice Commission and the Attorney General. The Attorney General, W*T. Mathews, has entered into a stipulation concerning the time for filing Answer to the Supplemental Complaint and I transmit herewith copy of the Stipulation which was filed by Mr. Mathews on January 17th, 1952. I assume the matter will now remain dormant until after Mr. Renwick has completed his discussions with Mr* Robert A. Allen. P.S. 1 have delivered a copy of the Supplemental to citv Attorney. Reward Cannon* las Vegas. Nevada January 21st, 1952 Mr. E.E.Bennetti 7 — — ( 4}c - Mr. W.R. Rouse ) With copy of Sincerely, CEC/b CALVIN M. COSY e n d . 1 U G