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    Mr. H. 0. Maims l e e Angeles, October Sth, 1935 30-334 921S-3-8 d e fe rrin g to your l e t t e r o f September 4 th, request:to® c e rta in in form ation in connection w ith w ater f a c i l i t i e s a t la s Vegas: Attached h ereto , p lea se fin d one p r in t, dated October 2nd, 193b, s ca le 1* * 100 F t ., showing stain w ater lin e s a t la s Vegas b elon gin g to hM8Lm G o.; a lso one p rin t awg. Mo. 41093, re v is e d Oetobex 2nd, 193b, s c a le as noted, showing p ipe lin e s fxoat shop grounds to the x e s e x ro ix , s e ttlin g basin and sp rin gs; also lo c a tio n o f a d d itio n a l 13* w e ll proposed by MX. Bm&km and the p ip e lin e connecting th erew ith . T h is i s the exact p oin t lo c a te d on the ground by Dr. B oyle s e ve ra l years ago. He said we should ob tain an a rte s ia n w e ll a t depth o f approxim ately 300 fe e t . Estim ated c o s t o f a d d itio n a l w e ll and necessary p ipe lin e i s as fo llo w s : Estim ate based on d r illin g w e ll by co n tra ct and la y in g p ip e lin e connection to s e ttlin g basin w ith company fo r c e s : 1 2 * w e ll, 300 F t. deep, using screw $ o in t d riv e p ip e ca sin g , I 3,140.00 Approxim ately 1000 F t. 12* 0 .1 . p ip e from w e ll to s e t t lin g b a sin , 4,330. QQ T o ta l #10,370,00 Estim ated c o s t 12* w e ll 000 Ft. deep, using screw pipe easin g and con stru ctin g connecting p ip e lin e , a l l work to be perform ed by company fo r c e s , in clu d in g d r illin g w e ll: 13* w e ll, 600 F t. deep, $ 6,000.00 1600 F t. 12* 0 .1. p ipe and connections, 4,230.00 fe ta l | 9,330.00