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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    7 3 - 3 ^ p' ;%:' :Airmail: Mr, W. M. Jeffers: Mr. B* H. Prater: Los Angeles - November 12, 1941 O F F IC E O F EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT NOV 1 3 1941 LOS ANGj&ES, CALIF, Mr, Jeffers* J-194 with respect to proposed budget item for chlorination facilities at Las Vegas, and other cor­respondence in connection with budget items for additional water facilities at that point, the undersigned, accompanied by Mr, Bracken, made an inspection on the ground November 7th as to physical conditions, and secured what information we could as to possibility of in­creased demand upon our water facilities during the next year. On November 10th we conferred with engineers for the manufactur­ers of chlorinating devices and pumping equipment, as result of which we submit the following Joint recommendation: Include In 1942 Budget the following items of expenditure: For Railroad Company: 1. fo recover some 300,000 to 400,000 OPB of water from Middle Spring, which water is now contaminated by vegetable organism and flowing in open ditch to the Las Vegas Ranch; install a Wallace & Tiernan wEquiscale Visual Vacuum Chlorlnator* with assemblies to provide a semi-automatic starting and stop oper­ation, which will be connected into the present pump starting panel so that ehlorlnator operation will be synchronised (X)