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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    f t p E. E. B, AUG 18 1949 L&a Vegas - August 17# 19**9 v 23-8 m - ^ Mr* Usu Reinhardt! C 00 Hr. E* E. Benn Please note the enolosed letter from Kay or Or agin regarding imposition of fee on utilities for the use of streets and Alleys In Las Vegas* Chat* present pernlt which expiree In 1980 provides that we will furnish water free for fire hydrants in exchange for pernlt to use the streets and alleys* 1 understand indirectly that scsie of the new City Commissioners hare proposed a franchise fee based on 1$ to lO% of the utility’s net earnings* If we are to be Charged for penaisHton to use the streets and alleys it seems no core than fair that we should in turn receive payment for water furnished thru fire hydrants* I understand the California W&ter Service Cornierion chargee $1.00 per fire hydrant per month at Stockton, and a similar charge here on the 250-300 fire hydrants in Las Veg&s should more than offset the license fee they propose* Xf you see n o objections I will dtsouse the subject with the Commissioners along the above lines* A. K. Folger