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I agree..FRAN K'-CiROOK STO N , drug-th ere is plenty o f p a r k i n ' space uptow n r T **, y l l L n ow w hereas Iff,, >-»?.; -iPI ih e parking fa - definite a d va n -jjj^ ^ l*^ ^ '' * * tage Jo busi- | < f l||t| * W l B ness establishments as som e p eople have suggested. As soon as people get used to them, I don 't think there w ill be any m ore Complaints. I think they result in a faster business turnover. NORMA ALDER, h ousew ife— ^the ^city^_ad- MfM#1' |lf|| % s t r i c t i o n, it w ou ld have been alright. As it Is, it is a great inconvenience to a "housewife w h o takes m ore than an hour to shop. ' GLADSTONE PHILLIPS, law •I think x t i l s s s M i they are w o rk - s' factorily -and I « | | ^ they are w o rk - rim ent o f b u s i- ^ % |p& ?*!, ness establish- 2 • m ents as som e j.soon as p eo-pie get - used to ' th e m ,, I don’t th in k 'th e r e w ill b e any m ore com plaints. I think they result in a fa ste r: business turnover. m r s . c . b . McCl e l l a n d , sec- I Fetary — Dur-1 meters seemed to b e s t e p in the right direction.] I am fo r them because I am fo r any m ove w h ich w ill better the com m unity. LOOTS CARTER, [swimming