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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOUBHM., Tuesday, August 12, 1952 Water'Rates Seen Thursday > District’ Judge Clark Guild . may announce his decision late L Thursday on an appeal by the Las Vegas I Land and Water , company , to . authorize a 42 per cent rate increase for local wa-f ter users, court attaches report- ’’ ed today. Guild has set Friday as. the i final date for a decision on evi-dence submitted by the Las Ve- § gas utility that a 10 per cent ; ; boost authorized by the public I service commission was insuffi- I cient. (The judge was in Fallon, Ne-t vada, district court today and ? was not expected in the capitol city before Thursday morning'.-)' The company has argued i through its attorneys that the 42 the PSC two years ago. ' Meanwhile, dlty A t t o r n e y Howard Cannon, has introduced a letter in the proceedings, al­leging the utility has erred in performing its Sduty by failure to pump water to full capacity in the face of low pressure con­ditions. Las Vegas city commis­sioners have charged the com­pany has failed to keep pace with growth in the .community. PS€ Chairman Robert Allen has also received a protest frorr^ officials of the Union,. Pacific railroad, owners of the water system, blaming the jmsatisfac-tory conditions iii Las Vegas on violations by home owners of voluntary conservation meas­ures proclaimed by Mayor C.D. Baker. .pefiaftgyjL m^xe^ase tis^mjeedbidaJia; defray the cost of additional pumping facilities ? ordered by 1 bers have vehemently denied the U. P. charge.. ' SPgeisg