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F o rm 2 1 9 1 B TE^fGRAM Tim e Filed- SYM BO L X C L A S S O F S E R V IC E R E Q U IR E D P x Preferred .Immediate delivery Dx Day Delivery during day N x Night ' Delivery by next m orning 8 C . S . I -27-300,000-11: -Indicate by X in proper I in® the class of service required. Do not specify preferred service if other service will answer the purpose. Las Vegas - June 25, 1943 M A I L G R A H f f i c e of M G R . IN K . D E V . JUN 28 1943 ;|g co." irtiiSiSi) GiM< Mr. Frank Strong - Los Angeles. Serious con dition c a lle d to our a tte n tio n yesterday regard in g lack of adequate water from r a ilr o a d lin e supplying County H o sp ital on Charleston Boulevard. They sta te d they had in s u ffic ie n t water to supply th e ir p a tie n ts . A fte r checking s itu a tio n over thoroughly and fin d in g no va lve s c lo se d tout simply in s u ffic ie n t volume going through lin e , we commenced operation o f emergency w e ll in shopyard and t h is has su pp lied s u ffic ie n t water to H o sp ita l and a ls o water so fte n e r. Again ask th at you arrange with G eneral Water Service Foreman Anderson to toump W e ll No. 8 to re sto re i t s flo w i f p o s sib le b e f o r e . i t s production fu rth e r d ecreases. To avoid p o s s ib ilit y fu tu re water shortage a t ? H o sp ita l, suggest connection from 24-inch main toe removed from top o f pipe and in s t a lle d at sid e where i t belongs so water w i l l have an opportunity to fin d i t s way through Stockyards lin e to H o sp ita l. B-26 W alter R. Bracken. v v .H-j J U N 1 9 4 3 1