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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    GARRISON DEMANDS WATER COMPANY EXPLAIN POLICIES Mayor Howell Garrison today called upon officials of the Las, Vegas Land & Water company to clarify their position On water service for the 2,000 homes allo­cated Las Vegas to house magne­sium plant'workers, following re­ceipt of a' report from Senator Berkeley L. Bunker, that Defense Plants Corporation had been ad­vised by the utility that it would -be unable to furnish water for more than 8 00 additional .homes. ; The mayor .declared the inform­ation . given I Defense Plants, “is in direct, opposition, to that, furnish­ed me on the strength of which I answered a wire from Sam H. Husbands to the effect that the. public utilities, viz., gas, water, electric, energy . and sewer facili­ties would be available for 2,000 t additional homes, if .our applica­tion for sewers was granted. This answer was authorized by..'the board of city commissioners. ? Las Vegas, Nevada, Evening Review-Journal January 7, 1942. WATER COMPANY OFFICIALS REPLY Denying they had ever told Defense Plants Corporation representatives “ or anyone else” the local water company would be unable to_furnish water for more thanQ800)addi-tional homes in LaS^vegas, Walter R. Bracken and Al Fol-ger, officials of the Las Vegas Land & Water Company, is­sued the following statement in answer to, the letter sub­mitted them this afternoon by Mayor Howell Garrison: “The Las Vegas Land and Water Company has previously advised representatives of the city, the F.H./V,; the Defense Plants Corporation, and all others concerned, both'verbal­ly and through the press, that it is in a. position to furnish water for(S00^idditional houses immediately; that steps are now being taken to develop additional water for the com­ing summer to supply a total of 1300 additional homes; and that if. it is anticipated that more than this number will materialize tests' will be con­ducted and geologists employ­ed to determine the amount of water that can be developed from, the Underground channel. “The water company has never failed to keep pace with the development of the city and will continue to cooperate in every way toward the growth of a greater Las Vegas.” * jonn £. { B n n r a i n m uu; system to the city so that a muni­cipal ‘ water system can be de­veloped? . Coincident with . Mayor Garri­son’s action, Sewer Commission­er Pat Clark announced a tele-' phone conference with Senator' Bunker revealed that the Las ’Vegas sewer application held up in tile Los Angeles office for sev­eral weeks, had-finally arrived' in Washington this .morning and would be expedited as vapidly as possible, I “I intend to stay with-the appli­cation unti|? it’s finally approved; which I hope won’t be long,” the senator told Clark. With regard to the water situa­tion, Bunker quoted Defense" Plants chief A. J. Husbands as Stating in effect: “Your city-com­mission has assured me' there Will be sufficient water available, and it’s up to them to provide it.” ton “I am requesting,” the mayor’s letter said, “an answer to the fol­lowing questions from you by re­turn mail because I feel that it is my duty as mayor to d ear this matter up. It is of vital import­ance to the entire body of our citizens.” Question 1 Is there wafer available in the underground artesian .pool from which you derive water, for 2,000 additional homes in Las: Vegas? Question 2 Are you willing and able to cooperate in making this addition­al water. available so that these homes can be built? Question 3 If not, are - you willing to sell out your interest in the Water g l B | | p h B 1