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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    l&a Vegan - April 3, 1950 V 2 > 6 Rf* Wm* Reinhardt; | 00 Xr, S. £• Bennstt In connection with oar.proposed applloatlon for inoreaae in water rate** A* a Batter of information I show below the lit month’* reading* of the test meter* inatailed in ©ooper&tion with the city authorities; WATER C0H3UHPT10N « HAail 19ffL Adcireaa 1231 R&ryland Pkwy 625 8o* 3rd 713 no *B* St. 125 So. 11th X530 So. “A* St. Gal*, Peed , Pf£..!&& Residential Residential Residential' ReiidentlaX (26 Da) Qommerelal iti Da) 35,037 1g,6$7 l6t6zk X4,2o6 598,070 1130 Gal* 34$ Gal* 5|6 Gal* 546 Oal* 24,919 Gale The** mater* were installed in widely separated divisionsof the town, one *&©h in Runtridge, ClaTk1« has Vega* Township, We*t Sid*, and Fairtiew Traot. *h# 1st one, listed in Huntridge, ha* a lawn front and baok where** Oh th* Other three water 1* used on half the area in lawn* The aommersial type meter w&* a 2-lnoh meter in­stalled on the Hsvada laundry. gp g|f | v p S ' '8 s/t- pg|5|| ffi ( The following total* of master meter reading* showing total ooneunxptlon in the oity will also he of in­ter eat* MASTS- METBH HEAPI 7,08—OALLOHSJ jam 2SB US HH* \m 156,108,288 2*5,279,510 885.8*8,957 iPf l6l38l!5o: 155,652,781 235,751,972 855,890,186 1950 I77|6lolloo 198,718,572 261,835.173 521,000,000 (at) AVS* 4ll Day 3.9 K,G. 6.5 M, G 8*7 M. G. 17*4 M* G.