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August 29, 1952 D o lla r Market, In c, A33 North Main S tre e t Las Vegas, Nevada Attention? Mr* Herman Silverman Gentlemen? R eferrin g to your l e t t e r o f August 12, 1952, Concerning charge fo r water fo r co o lin g r e fr ig e r a tio n machines as in d icated in our l e t t e r o f August 6, 1952* The charge fo r water fo r co o lin g r e fr ig e r a tio n machines, as set fo r th in our ra te schedule was, in the absence o f meters, based upon tonnage o f the r e fr ig e r a tio n equipment being used. The rates which were approved by the Public S ervice Commission o f Nevada apply equ ally to a l l types o f water cooled r e fr ig e r a t io n machines regardle s s o f the purpose fo r which such machines are used or the p eriod and number o f hours per day in operation . As you no doubt know, the laws o f the State o f Nevada p ro h ib it the use o f meters. In other c i t i e s throughout the c -untry meters a ffo r d a basis o f charging each customer fo r water a c tu a lly used. However, u n til such time as meters are perm itted in Las Vegas, water f o r r e fr ig e r a t io n units must be b ille d on a tonnage basis. Inasmuch as water is used f o r co o lin g o f your r e fr ig e r a t io n machines, we have no a lte r n a tiv e other than to charge the prescribed rates f o r the s e rv ic e , In closed is our in v o ice coverin g coo lin g water fo r r e fr ig e r a t io n machines f o r the p erio d o f January 1 , to and inclu din g August 31, 1952 in the amount o f f?6.00. W ill ap p reciate ea rly rem ittance. SToura tr u ly , ¥, K, Johnson