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Sierra Pacific Power Company -2- Reno, Nevada (i) No p i p e h a v i n g an inside diameter of less than 3/4" shall he installed as a service p i p e b y the Customer, and the Company will us e no pipe of smaller size than this in its p o r t i o n of the service. The size of p i p e u s e d in all services shall h e determined after a consultation w i t h a representative of the Company. (j) Not m o r e than one service shall b e installed for a house except that i for buildings u s e d for commercial purposes, m ore than one service m a y b e in-j ’.'?'Med to porr-dn a separation of the charge for water b e t w e e n the bui l d i n g as ; a wlole e nd ir.6ivid ,ip.l portions thereof. (*•-.• a &pactive Customer desires the installation of a service, | b u t dc-i n o t vvan. to use wa t e r . immediately upon, the completion of the service, V M fu. i. c o s t of th e service from the m a i n to the curb line shall b e advanced i '-v ‘?he ?•.-i.xsicmer to M e Company 0 i f t e r the Customer desires the water to be | vorued on, xl:o b J L amount advanced will be refunded to the Customer. (1; 5bo Company will not be responsible for a n y damages, after the water t is 'iimed orv ex* r e d b y the negligence of the Customs | M H O U S E PIPING. i (a) All p i p i n g with i n the Cus t o m e r ’s b u i l d i n g shall be installed b y the > i> ;-. t oner. i o) The Customer shall h a v e in his p i p i n g a stop and waste cock at the where the service p ipe enters each building. This stop and waste cock is M o l ,: M e in order to drain the house p i p i n g as a p r o t ection against freezing i al-,o in order to the water during repairs in the house piping. The j Jci*.prny strongly recommends a shut-off cock just inside the p r o p e r t y line for j f.M i.ujtomer* s protection. Ko) The Customer shall at all times m a i n t a i n in g ood repair all house j piping, p r o t e c t i n g it so fax as p o ssible against danger of freezing, \ fe (a; y--.'. C u s t ’m e r shall ma i n t a i n all fixtures in good operating condition • vc t X b ’W . th;i waste of watei ck:t jugh leaky fixtures and shall not permit water j to f l o w continuously through a n y fixture. (b) Tae Customer, in sprinkling lawns or gardens, shall u se a spray nozzle of some sort. (c) Water shall not b e p e r m i t t e d to f l o w f rom an y C u s t o m e r ’s premises I oi fcher into the gutter, street, or adjoining lot. Ii || 4. C R"""E D I T~ ~A N D PAYMENTS. va ) Before service is supplied to any Customer, the Customer shall e stablish his credit. The Cu s t o m e r ’s credit will h e considered established, if h e (1) owns the premises in question, or (2) makes a c a s h deposit equal to i v-'w.ioe the amount of the m o n thly charges, or (3) has p a i d all his bills to the ! uoicrnany p r o m p t l y during the latest 1 2 months of his previous service f rom the j Company0 (b) In case a c a s h deposit is necessary, it will b e re f u n d e d to the j Customer at the expiration, of 12 months of satisfactory relations between the • Customer an d the Company. The Company p a y s the Customer 7 $ interest p e r annum , j on all such deposits. Filed by George A. Campbell President Effective May 15, 1924