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Los Angeles - March 18, 195% 80-11 Messrs. C. M. Bates L • R • Maag (cc - Mr. Wm. Reinhardt Mr, R. M. Sutton ) I sent you copy of my letter of January 18th to Mr. Hamilton, Attorney for the Las Vegas Valley Water District, relative to original documents to be furnished to the District pursuant to terms of contract of June 1, 1953. I have been unatle to secure any reply to that letter from Mr, Hamilton, and I think it is desirable at this time for you two gentlemen to collaborate in making up a list of the documents which, in your opinion, will be required under Exhibit G, giving consideration to the suggestions made in my letter of January 16th. We can then send that list to Mr. Sutton, and he can start the photostatic work in connection with the documents included in the list, with the understanding that possibly it will be necessary to supplement that list if Mr. Hamilton ever gets around to answering my letter. I make this suggestion in view of a letter I have received from Mr. Sutton under date of February 23rd, his file 70%-36, advising that the blueprint department is working at full capacity. This suggestion of mine will enable them to start this work and have at least some of the photostating behind us. It is my thought, when X receive the respective lists, to send a copy to Mr. Hamilton and possibly jar his memory and secure his views as to any additional documents he may require. E. E. Bennett