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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, September 21, 1955 to November 20, 1957, lvc000010-106


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    Burt, James E. Engineering 1-2 23 341-360 0"Connor, Mildred Finance 3-4 17 273-288 Leavitt, J. Marion Fire 4-5 26 476-503 Mudd, James " " " " " Wimberly, Joseph " " " " " Castile, Richard " 3-4 22 360-381 Perri, Charles J. " 4-5 22 381-403 Christensen, Wallace " " 26 476-503 Sterner, Gerald " 3-4 22 360-381 Boggs, Ernest " 4-5 24 426-450 Contner, George " " " " " Thompson, Kenneth " " " " " Walker, James " " " " " Helm, Joseph Garage " 22 381-403 Sanford, Willis " " 18 305-322 Kritsky, George Golf Course 3-4 16 258-273 Waitman,Lillian Library 2-3 16 244-258 Brumbaugh, Jo Ann License 3-4 16 258-273 Campbell, Robert Maintenance 4-5 17 288-305 Zook, Erie Maintenance 3-4 17 273-288 Adams, Evelyn Police 2-3 18 273-288 Barrett, Herbert " 3-4 23 381-403 Dunn, Richard " " 25 426-450 Everett, Bobbie " 2-3 23 360-381 Foremaster, John " 4-5 25 450-476 Gulas, Paul " 2-3 23 360-381 Hamilton, Doyle " 4-5 25 450-476 Hamilton, Loris " 2-3 25 403-426 Hardy, Buddy " 3-4 23 381-403 Hocker, Mary " 1-2 22 322-341 Hostetler, Mary " 3-4 17 273-288 Jeanes, Charles " 2-3 23 36O-381 Kim, Frank " 4-5 25 450-476 Quinn, George " 3-4 " 426-450 Walters, Rozens " 2-3 18 273-288 Winger, Max "2 4-5 23 403-426 Bahr, Vem Sanitation 3-4 19 305-322 Barr, Larry L. " 2-3 19 288-305 Hughes, Willie " " " " " Chandler, Donald Street Light. 3-4 22 36O-381 Motion seconded by Commissioner Whipple and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Commissioner Bunker moved that Service & Material Warrant Nos. 5269 and 5270 in the total amount of $1,978.00 be approved and the signatures authorized. Motion seconded by Commissioner Whipple and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Commissioner Fountain passed his voting stating he has an interest in the MacDonald Hotel which has a check in this group. An ordinance entitled: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHARTER 24, SECTION 26, CODE OF LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, 1949, BY PERMITTING ADVERTISING SIGNS AND OTHER TEMPORARY STRUCTURES TO BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED WITHIN THE BUILDING SET­BACK DISTANCE UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS; PROVIDING OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RE­LATED THERETO; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CON­FLICT THEREWITH, was read in full to the Board. Mr. Jack Young of Young Electric Sign Company was present and requested time before adopting this ordinance in order that the sign companies could study it. Commissioner Fountain moved that action on this ordinance be deferred until January 4, 1956. Motion seconded by Commissioner Whipple and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Commissioner Sharp moved the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the Nevada State Legislature adopted a two percent gross sales tax at its 1955 session to provide revenue for increasing governmental costs; and WHEREAS, the Nevada municipalities are in serious need of additional funds in order to provide necessary services to their citizens; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Nevada Municipal Association requests the governor of the State of Nevada that he present to the forthcoming special session of the Nevada State Legislature the proposal that twenty-five percent of the gross revenue derived from the Nevada Sales Tax be apportioned to the cities and counties of the State of Nevada in proportion to the receipts from the counties from which it originated. Motion seconded by Commissioner Whipple and carried by the following vote: Com­missioners Bunker, Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Commissioner Fountain moved the application of Alfred Ripps for a gaming license for 13 slot machines, a retail liquor miniature license, a cigarette and general business license at Mike's Liquor Store, 106 Fremont for the 1st quarter of 1956 be approved subject to the following conditions: SERVICE AND MATERIAL WARRANTS EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Advertising Signs RESOLUTIONy Sales Tax LIQUOR, GAMING & BUSINESS LICENSES Mike's Liquor Store