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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    November 17* 1924 Mr. C. H. Gray* President, Omaha, Neb raska. Dear Sirs As you probably know, some time ago the Company d rille d an artesian w ell on Its lands at Las Vegas which has a flow of nine and a fraction second-feet. Under the laws of Nevada, even where a well is located upon p r i­vate property* the waters developed are subject to appro­priation. Accordingly, Frank R. McNamee, General Attorney fo r Nevada, advised the General Manager that in order to protect the t i t le to the water, appropriation should be made covering the entire flow. Mr. Knickerbocker directed that the waters be appropriated as follows: in the name of the Railroad Company 2.5 second-feet fo r railroad purposes; in the name of the Las Vegas Land and Water Company 5*32 second-feet fo r irrig a tio n purposes and 2.3 second-feet for domestic purposes. These applications were duly file d in the names of the respective companies by Leo A. McNamee, our Assistant General Attorney fo r Nevada, and the applications