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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    % MAR March 5» 1951 Files 80-5 Mr* «T. O. Allard, Chairman Public Service Commission of Nevada Carson City, Nevada Soar Mr* Allard: I hare year letter of February 27, 1951 addressed to the Las Vegas Land and Water Company, Ins Vegas, Nevada ™ r questing that we send t© you and to Mr* Seward Cannon, City Attorney of laaVegas, the financial statement and profit and loss statement of the Union pacific Railroad Company and the Las Vegas Land and later Company for the year 1950 not later than March 15, 1951* A copy of the annual report of the water Department of the Las Vegas Land and water Company will be In your possession before March 15th. I will see that a eopy of this report is furnished to Mr. Cannon by that date* This will furnish the information with respect to the Ins Vegas Land and water Company which is requested in your letter. As you know, the annual report of the Railroad does not segregate the water production tMtl&ties ef the iitnsg outphoenr ouorp eprraotipoonsse.d iWnec raeraes epdr reaptaersi nwgh sixchhi bfiutren i*sh« *de«t*a•iltef*d informs Wtaitoenr cCooncmepranniyn ga ndt het hper Ropaeirltrioeasd, irne vceonnuneesc tainodn with the proJdiHu«cttiioonn# aanndd 3coSp@iesl £of3 tSh»es«et ™exth.irbi att* xto* . tThaag aOao.o ai»aal *oana « 4 to tha Cit-y oVf U5a “^ veaas as as eompleted in advance of the hearing. X believe we will be able to furnish our basis exhibit by Match *-5th. This exhibit shows the actual results of operation for the *51 III aslusiot sp roefp aorpienrga taionn e xfhoirb ithte syheoawri ng19 5t0he orne saunl etss tiomfa toepder abatsiiosn. ofboth the Water Company and the Railroad for the year 19|0 btaos iyso.u aAnsd tsoo oMnr .a s Ctahninso ne bxuhti biX tc ainsn ocotm pslaeyt eadt, twheis time that it will be available on March 15th. ^ trttly yoor^ ee - Mr. Reward Cannon bcc - Mr. Wm. Reinhardt Mr. Roy A. Wehe MAR 6 i n .W« aon, 9 flfl .ft M 54