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    L E O A . M c N A M E E J O H N H. M C N A M E E M cNa m e e & M cNa m e e A T T O R N E Y S AT LAW E L P O R T A L B U I L D I N G La s V e g a s , N e v a d a P. O . B O X 4 7 2 P H O N E I S S S M r. E . E . Bennett G en eral C ounsel 422 W est Sixth Street L os A n geles 14, C aliforn ia ’V ' \}J D ear S ir: F ile 80-11 This r e fe r s to you r le tters of August 30th and 31st rela tiv e to the Supplem ental E scrow In stru ction s. I have p rep a red the sa m e along the fo r m you su b ­m itted and su ggested , and en clo se herew ith six co p ie s th ereof which have been executed by the W ater D is tr ic t. You can have the p rop er o ffic e r s execute the sam e fo r the Land and W ater Com pany and m ail d ire ct to the Bank. V ery trijl-^ you LA M :nd Deo A . M cN am ee cc to: T hom as A . C am pbell L . V . V alley W ater D ist. P .S . I show ed a cop y of the en closed to M r. B row n of the Bank, and the sam e is a ccep tab le to him .