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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    f ) o NOV 3 1933 T IM E B Y .., L&ft v «£a » # o «%«)mkp ao» iiii i m Hr, It* r y IM Worth Oakland tefadeaa, California Bear hr* Montgomeryi Pleas© refer to Mgre«««»t *G*L*h. 11342 dated S % m 1* XB§3, covering the «£$# if the wafer production, etc rag© and dietrlbution ©yet#® at La* fag*#, Saved*, to L a * Vega© Valley later hi strict. It ha* been determined that th© ©aeeaent description ©hows of th© pipe“lin© for which it ©a© provided. field investigation dieoloec© that the correct description for ah©*© nentloned should read a© fe Howes that ©erfain strip of 1**4 IS ft©t in width situated in the Witjr Of has Vegas I County of Clark, State of icveda a n d being a portion of the gS|. of the t e | of teat tea 2?, i M the »E| of th© of Section »#* f * 2 0 S . , R . 61 £ . , K . 9. 3 . * M*» t h e o # n t « r lift © o f w h ic h i s 4#s c r ib e d a * f o l i o * a I Beginning at a point on the south line of Sonanaa ho ad, m tm % in Width, as ©aid road now exist©, distant thereon I* l § F 0?* 5?* E . 3.4? feat fro® the west line of said Section 8?t tteeno© S, 36® if4 I P w. 890*6 feet. If you agree that the above description ©hould he e**b«titatM for the description now contained in the agreement a» written, will you please approve one copy of thl© letter and return to Sr. terry r. Miller for f a r m e r handling and approval by Mr. thosac A. tespbeXX*