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    V C E n t u r y 2 -9 0 3 5 D U P L I C A T E I N V O I C E M C N E I L H O U S I N G C O M P A N Y 5 8 6 0 A V A L O N B O U L E V A R D L O S A N G E L E S 3. C A L IF O R N IA Y O U R O R D E R N O ----------------------------- date— Oc tober 8,— --- 19*4- {v o a t f d# | San Pedro Gi. Shtp Lasher oe* Smith Sooth Usher Go* Southern Bevada. Diainfeoiant Co* Seat hem Nevada Jhdaatrlcai Go# Southern, Bowie Power Go* Southern Bevedft Telephone Co* Standard ’Oil, j Co* Standard Wholesale Supply Co* Saper&rafce? Open Steel flooring S i tealIsL oas & 'famAl Texas Ctapseer Union iaaedsare i Me tala Co* Union OH Cc* U* S* Tire Co# Vegas Materialfe & Bom Appliance Go* Vegas Trucking $, Moving Go* Vendor# iant&lo Verson I^ghtring Blueprint Id. Von Tobol lasher Go* Western Beating Co* W arren Wilson. Jfysk O U R JOB NO. etM * n 99%33 iy i > 122*00 s#aaa*$g 99*U t H i ? 6* i& 2,iil#*00 280*00 3*1B6* 3? 12.QS 292. 0? 36.30 7*78 2U7.10 #103,329*73 Form H624 3M 11-45 Dan 53242