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    RICHMOND 3 3 6 6 G e o r g e E. B r a n d o w a n D Ro y G. J o h n s t o n S T R U C T U R A L E N G IN E E R S A p ril 3 , 1546 y j C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e b u i l d i n g 1151 S o u t h B r o a d w a y L o s A N G ELES 15 J o b #46 6 Bej Union ir& ciflc B eservoir Las Vegas, Sevada lou r Job S o, S-723 E cS eii C on struction Company 6360 &?!, Ion iii va . Los Angeles, C a lifo r n ia A ttentions Mr. f « A, and arsons gentlem en: «• a re transm itting h erew itb, t»o ~ ?' 1 , Sheets 8A and M /d ov erin g V>neret# ^ co n stru ctio n on the/pump houses^ and a revlset fou n d ation , d e t a il fo r the main]pump house. g . Membrane s p e c ific a t io n s is / two sheets fa r iba main puiep hon^e toundat/'ons and w a lls, 3 , spelXVfi^^Tarts in one sh e e t. We have/laot s p e c ifie d \ sh^p eoat on the galvan­i s e / iro n p a in tin g but ahk fo r a tr e a tin g and bonding agent p reparation op the Job* C utter d e t a ils were transm itted to yon on February 21, 1946 with cap ibs to Mr. Mason m d Mr, Maag* P rin ts o f items 1 and' 2 abate i^ re d eliv ered tp /M r, Strong on Saturday yprtl 6 , 1546 at^bia req u est*/' f e tr u st that the above Is s a tis fa c to r y * 1 Very tru ly you rs, i U ' SJ' f T m a s s o w S tru ctu ra l Engineer C onst, y * . £ • - »tlt§p| . K A ^ yu H H * j'*- V / , Wv IVV. • 4r 4