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    property owned by the Water Company on September 1, 1952, as stated in Section 1(h) hereof, such excess shall be added to the basic purchase price. (e) The balance upon the sale date charged to Ac­count 113— Accounts Receivable in the books of the Water Company representing uncollected water accruals, which balance is hereby assigned to the District effec­tive upon the sale date. Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this Section 9, the entire cost of the improvements being constructed under Salt Lake Company Work Order 5015 covering the construction of a booster pumping station containing two pumps at Charleston Boulevard Reservoir, the construction of a 300,000- gallon, elevated, steel tank approximately 2,400 feet westerly of said reservoir, and the construction of approximately 2,500 feet of 14-inch pipe line extending from said pumping station to said ele­vated tank together with incidental 10-inch pipe lines, valves, etc., which will serve the residential subdivisions on West Charles­ton Boulevard, including Federal Homes Development, shall be borne by First Parties and shall not be added to the basic purchase price. The cost and expense of any work performed prior to September 1, 1952, consisting of additions and betterments to or extensions of the water production, storage, transmission and dis­tribution facilities mentioned in subparagraphs (b), (d) and (f) of Section 1 hereof, which were in the course of construction on September 1, 1952, whether performed by First Parties or by con­tractors for them, and any amounts charged to Investment Account by the Water Company prior to September 1, 1952, for such addi­tions, betterments or extensions made by others under contracts made pursuant to Rule 9 of the Rules and Regulations of the Water Company and conveyed to the Water Company are included in the basic purchase price, and no additions thereto are to be made on account of such work. The First Parties agree to indemnify the District against liability for any such cost or expense. At the present time there exists a controversy between the Water Company and certain customers concerning the applicable and reasonable rates to charge for water furnished for air-conditioning,. refrigeration, ice-making and other similar equip­ment under the provisions of Item 21, found on original sheet No. 3 of the Tariff of the Water Company on file with the Public Ser­vice Commission of the State of Nevada, covering Cooling Water for Refrigeration Machines, and proposed Item 21, found on first 25.