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H. C. NUTT, Up GENERAL MANAGER* C. J, BALCHj ASSISTANT TO GENERAL MANAGER* LOS ANGELES* CALIFORNIA. •..Construction of Houses for Employees - Las Vegas, |§ \ ill J g December 11, 1913. Mr. W. H. Bancroft, /II ! i Mr. J. Ross Clark, j Special Committee. Dear Sirs: Referring to your letter of December third. I enclose herewith a set of blank contracts which were prepared by the Legal Department in connection with the construction of houses for employees at Las Vegas,as follows: Contract with the employee, Lease with privilege of purchase Contract with builder. I intended that copies of these documents should be submitted to you before we entered into the arrangement for building these houses, but I find that, through inadvertence, this was not done. Future contracts will be submitted to the Committee before any action is taken. The following contracts have been entered into: Date of Lots conveyed Total Deductions Monthly Cbntract Name of Employe Position to LVL&WCo, Cost Commenced Deduction 2/18/13 O.C.Cazel, 3/ 4/13 John Hinge 4/20/13 C.O.Snyder 10/1/13 J, M.Heaton Engineer 29-30 Blk.35 $2470.00 6/ l/l3 Conductr. 26-27-38 »32 2200.00 6/15/13 n 22-33 "21 67 ft.of lots Agent 23-4-5 & lots 26-27 Bk.30 1500.00 7/ 1/13 3000.00 11/1/13 4500.00 11/1/13 |41.25 36.75 25.00 34.00 75.00 10/30/13 Benj.F.Whitmire Bkmn. 12-13 Bk.21 With reference to the loan to Mr. Heaton, our Agent at that point. I took up with Mr. Bracken, Agent of the Land and Water Company, and suggested