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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    INVESTMENT IN THE PROPERTY The investment In considered in this report ag­gregates $417,316,33 as of December 31, 1941. Of that amount $284,772.81 ic invested by the LA&SLRR Go. and $132,544.72 by the LVLandWCo. A general classification of these investments follows: PROPERTY OF L A & S L R R C o ., JOINTLY USED UNDER THE CONTRACT OF MARCH 30, 1929, AUDIT NO. 7322, WITH THE LVLandY/Co. 860.47 acre3 of land west of Las Vegas station grounds, in which are. the springs, settling basin, reservoir and most of the wells and pipe lines; acquired by W. A. Clark December 8 , 1902 (Tract No. 1 on Map No. 1 attached). | 24,787.48 80.00 acres of land X4 .** 3f of NE~ S. 31, T. 20 3. ,R. 61 E. acquired in 1937 (Tract No. 2 on Map No. 1). 1,604.80 120.00 acres of land in C W \ n -P c r i . q r l v f S'J/i. and Lot 4, 3. 30, T. 2 0 > R. 61 E. acquired in 1941 (Tract N o . 3 on Map No. -1W \ • 452.15 151.30 acres of land in Eli 3. 31, T. 20 3., R. 61 E. ac-quired in. 1941 ( Tract No.. 4 on Map N o . 1 attached). 8,141.45 .230. 77 acres p i p Wells Nos . - Total l a n d ? - 34,3 8 5 . 8 8 J l , 2 , 3, 4 , 5 and 6 - 48,115.85 Settling basin and reservoir Water main transmission linen shown by yellow linos 57,830.65 on M ap N0. 1 corapri sing: 1346 Tbs t 10" cast iron pipe 3125 if 12" If H H 7867 ti 16" ft N $ 10441 h 24" ft n i . 3646 n 16" 4-w ror site p -.pc r e: 4 £/ * X n 24" r lve ted st cel pipe 27379 n of w a4- h V-, main transmic 143,239.83 Total investment of the LA&3LRRCo. 284,772.21 -11-