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I agree.November X, 1948 W 23-1-4? Mr. Lee 8. Soott, Secretary Public Service Commission Carson City, Nevada De&r Lees deferring to your letter September 29th attaching one from Mr. fibertl In connection with the proposed extension of water main to Bonansa Village tracts We have been negotiating with Waale- Casrplan 41 Tiberti for some time regarding this extension and 1 thought we had all the details worked out until the question arose regarding pumping equipment which would have to be Installed to deliver sufficient pressure at the Bonansa Tillage tract. Mr. flbertl and 2 discussed our Rule 9-A refund arrangement prlpr to hie writing you on the subject, and we were unable to determine whether the “cost of making such extension* included the facilities for adequate delivery of water after the pipe line vae Installed. Xn fact, this le the first instance of this kind that has arisen, to my recollection. however, % recognise the fairness of Mr. flbertl*# position and, when we have concluded negotiations covering the construction of the pipe line to serve the tract, I am willing to recommend that the LVMhf Co. construct the pumping facilities without expense to Waale-Campl&n & flbertl, trusting this will be satisfactory and with best regards, I remain, Very truly yours,