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    s On motion duly seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adopted! WHEREAS, by agreement, dated June 24, 1939 (CA No. 9984), Lynch Construction Company agreed to construct for LVL&WCo. a warehouse building and office building at Fullerton, California, at total cost of $106,954.20 (for sale to Val Vita Food Products, Inc.); and WHEREAS, dispute thereafter arose between said parties concerning said Lynch Construction Company's performance under naid contract, and LVL&WCo. refused to pay said Construction Company the full amount of contract price for said work, re­taining the sum of $11,386.94; and WHEREAS, Lynch Construction Company filed action No. 448541 in the Superior Court of the State of California for the recovery of balance of said contract price and damages; and WHEREAS, LVL&WCo. demanded arbitration of the controversy, which was. accomplished, award of $9,000 in favor of this company being made by reason of failure of the Construction Company to complete certain work specified in said construction contract; said award further providing that LVL&WCo. should pay to Lynch Construction Company the balance of said contract price, to-wit the sum of $2,386.94, plus interest at rate of 6% per annum: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the action of Vice President Strong and Secretary in executing agreement, C.L.D. No. 3234, dated August 26, 1940, between LVL&WCo., first party; Lynch Construction Company, second party; and -18-