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I agree.OC Mr. A. S. Halsted / Los Angeles, June 12th, 195 9215-3-v? 'ip g w, JUN 131931 Mr. 1# H, Bracken - Las Vegas Referring to your le tt e r o f June 4 th, f i l e 23-.4 -.15 and to subsequent conference with General Attorney McNaraee with reference to change in water service In d u stria l D ietriot id* 1, Las Vegas: I t was agreed in that conference that: property now being served from the L.V.L.& W* 3 * lin e you w ill explain that the new 6 " lin e affords opportunity fo r f i r e proteotion and endeavor to transfer a l l service to the new lin e , establishing appropriate f l a t rates. 3 , A ll new users to be supplied from L.V. L.& W. mains. Subsequent to th is conference, i t developed that the Texas Company located on In d u s tria l D is t r ic t Mo* 1 some distance south o f the end o f the new mains is now being furnished metered service from R a ilroa d Company water mains. Inasmuch as the cost o f changing to L .V .L . & W. connection would be prohibitive, i t has been determ- With respect to tenants on Railroad