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£ AMENDED j M t C L A t a * H a _ i l A i h L . Serial N . J S ! ° ........ APPLICATION FOR PERMISSION TO CHANGE PLACE OF USE OF THE PUBLIC WATERS APPROPRIATED. POINT OF DIVERSION, MANNER OF USE AND OF THE STATE OF NEVADA HERETOFORE Date of first receipt and filing in State Engineer's Returned to applicant for correction----------— ---- Corrected application filed..--------------- office June 3-7> 1953 _______Aug. 12. 1953 _______Sept. 8, 1953 The undersigned. Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company Las Vega3 Name of applicant.) Las Vegas Land & Water Co., County of. Clark State Af Nevada__________ , hereby makes application for permis- sion to change the. __________ point of diversion ---------------- - of water heretofore appropriated under Pcrml t .^^?,2°° ?i?.te No. 1631 ___ _ Application, if. c., vested, decreed or permitted right.) ._ Las Vegas Artesian Basin or 1. The source of water supply ls3U-bterranean charme3r.~ 2. The quantity of water desired to be changed 2.50 c.f.s. 3. (Acre feet, second feet.) The water is to be used f o r _ m i l road and _dj3me,stl_Q-------- .purposes 4. The water heretofore used for. railroad and doiag-Stic purposes— 5. Place of use under existing appropriation N*(Under Irrigation give number acres NWi SW-n- Section ^4 and NE£; NEg SE^ Section 33> T 20 S, R 61 B, ... ----- "and description In respect to Government Land Survey; under any other use give location as being within a 40-ac M . D . B . & M , _______________________________ __ subdivision.) 6. Proposed place of use under this application.Ml Wjj J W t N W l i ^ - NW-r SW-r Section ^4 and E-? NE^j NEf §E£ Section 33i T. 20 Stt Rt_6l.,Ea.< of acres tn 'd description In respect to Government Land SurveT: under any other us^ give location as being within a M.D.B.&M._________________ 40-acre subdivision.) 7 The water is to be diverted from its source at the following point: A siS-c& liiil'sgc.^g'bfog^stv 40jgr w --------------(Describe as being within a 40-acre subdivision of public survey or by course and distance to a section corner.) JJp O O O P H , At ' S t o t f S t e m 0/ a ,e& ac 7 ^ M 0^ r r6 f | f « ^ . ^ a n d a t ~ “'iDt from which the SW Cor. of said Sec. 29 bears S. 81 25*30_V U 4 4 3 . 0 as Tol dV S *------- (if point of diversion Is not changed do not answer.) f e e t 9 . Number and kind of animals proposed to be watered. 10. Use will begin a b o u t and end a b o u t - B ^ L . f eaoh year. 11. The water has been used heretofore during the months of------------ January to December _____________________________ of each year 12. Remarks-