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upr000188 150


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    <3> Sko x 3 x 600 Last year's maximum production Anticipated maximum requirements during year (round figures) Anticipated increase from installa­tion of pumps in Wells 5 6 Conservative estimate of additional water to be secured from Wells 7 and B which are provided for in 19^2 Budget and for which APE Re­quest has been submitted 19^1 production Or a 19*1-2 excess production ability over estimated maximum require­ments of In addition to this, if it is con­sidered this margin is not suffi­cient we can ask for the further authority to Install a pump on Well Ho. 4-, now producing some­what less than 500»000 GPD, and I think we can safely assume that this pump will increase produc­tion of that well by Making a 19^2 production capacity in excess of our estimated maxi­mum requirements of 1 692 000 GFD 6 000 000 M 8 000 000 ORB 1 000 000 H 1 700 000 * 6 000 OOP B 8 700 000 GPD 700 000 * 500 000 * 1 200 000 ? In addition to the above, we are now giving consideration to asking authority to drill two additional wells while rotary drilling outfit is on the ground, these wells to be tested and then shut off until production is required, which no doubt will occur during 19^3 . This for the reason that the rotary drilling outfit owned by I. B. Hall &.G©«, and which will drill a deep well