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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    \ - 1 7 - m # nominated tad w M m X m m t m ’lj ©looted to office fi Blrntw* effective ns of April Xb» XS-Sf* Cljaiimn m t m t m n m d %tm% nomination© war# in order for the #1 action of fie# FreeWent to fill tho vae&ney ©rented by the reeigaation of F. I* jOBlokerbeakoff* ifherewpon* ©n motion duly aeeoiwled, frond strong1 woe nominated and viukAlttouciy' eleoted to offloe tf VI®* president, effective a# of April li. Jwf* ^•9lenntlon of 0. 8* Blooo *» secretary *&» presented, ns follow** •JLO# Angele*, April ff l#S? Board of Mra©i©r«, Las v«to* Land and safer Company, Los Angel#a» Californio. genii essen: Plea#* oeoopt ay veolgMttd* a* Secretary of th* Lae Vegas Land and Water Company, off#©tire April 1§* 1097* four# truly* (Signed) C* 8. Blooa*. an ootifisn duly aeeoik&ed* t&* resignation of C, I* Bloom a# secretary was «oeopt*d> effective a# of April id* * CJi&lrman mmsnmeod nomination# were in order for oXeetlO® of decretory to fill i&# voooaojr eroatod by yeeijptaiia# of C. H* Bloom* Wlierecptsn, on notion d«ly eeeooddd* f* E* Johnton eat nominated and woonioottfiy oiootdd to offloe of secretary» effective at of •April IS, UNfF.