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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    He: Sal© of Lae Vegas water system Los Angeles, June 8, 1934 80-11 Mr. W, H. Rouse: (cc - Mr. A. E. Stoddard) Copies of Mr. Wm., Reinhardt ) enclosures Mr. R. M. Sutton 1 to each Mr. L. R. Maagi__ -4- I enclose copy of letter dated June 4, 1934, from Mr. Franklin T. Hamilton, attorney for the Las Vegas Valley Water District, to which are attached two let­ters dated June 3# 1954, from Kelson Conway, one of the auditors for the District. I suggest that we enter into an agreement with the District assigning to the District for collection only any amounts unpaid as of the sale date for water fur­nished under Rate Item 21 for air-conditioning, refrig­eration, ice-making and other similar equipment. I en­close suggested draft of assignment contract, copy of which I have also furnished to Mr. Hamilton for his con sideration. If you and Mr. Hamilton approve this agree ment, I will prepare it for execution by Mr. Reinhardt, whose execution can be ratified by the Board of the Wa­ter Company at its next meeting. You will note that the other letter from the ac­countants for the District refers to a difference of $18,500 in the purchase price as of April 30, 1954. I believe this difference relates entirely to donations received by the Water Company under Rule 9 contracts with respect to fire hydrant connections. As soon as Mr. Hamilton receives the final report of the auditors of the District with respect to the purchase price, I will endeavor to have him agree that this item should be added to the Basic Purchase Price under the provi­sions of the contract of June 1, 1953. £• E. Bennett ECR:MSB Enel.