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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    I » "N" L.D, 2259 LAS VEGAS LAND AND WATER CO. CONTRACT AUD. N0.1Q53O Corresp. File___ _ _ _ Origina^^or Water Company- ^ THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the ' J day of_ l/A R X , 19^50 . by and between LAS VEGAS LAND A N D WATER COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Nevada, here­inafter called "Company", Party of the First Part, and ________ ______ MASTERCBAET HOMES, INC., a Nevada Corporation_______ 1________ with place of business located at Las ye gas, Nevada___________ hereinafter called "Subdivider", Party of the Second Part, WITNESSETH: Recitals WHEREAS, the Company is engaged in the business of dis­tributing water as a public utility, in the City of Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada; an d WHEREAS, the Subdivider is engaged in subdividing ________ Blocks One, (1) Two (2) and Three (3j Charleston,Square Tract. No.. 4--------- 'as per plat thereof on file and of record in Book p______ of V , Pla\s at Page q q Clark County Nevada Records, all in the City of Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada, and has made applica­tion to the Company to extend its water mains as follows: Commencing at a connection ? with the existing water main in Hillside Place, thence easterly in Thelma Lane a distance of 500 feet to an end in Seventeenth Street. WHEREAS, the Company is willing to make said extensions 1 . k A -m 9M