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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, May 23, 1985






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 15 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000473. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    11 x 8.5 inches





    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA Senate Meeting 15-26 May 23, 1985 MSU 201 4:00 p.m. I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes 15-25 IV. Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations 1. Andrew Nichols to Appropriations Board Chairman 2 Robert Ashley to Elections Board Chairman 3 John Novack to Entertainment & Programming Chairman 4 Kirk Hendrick to Nevada Student Affairs Director 5 Tryone Smith to Radio Board Chairman 6 Bill Haldeman to Publications Board Chairman 7 Dave Penczek to Student Services Chairman 8 Tim Muir to Intramurals Director 9 Robert Cherhoniak to Curriculm, Academic Standards, and Admissions committees 10 Kirk Hendrick to Parking and Traffic 11 Bill Haldeman to Parking and Traffic VI. New Business A. Approval of Executive Board Nominations B. Override of Presidential Veto [from Senate meeting 15-25, the approval of funding $596.46 to Student Council for Exceptional Children (Piffles Account)] requires 2/3. VII. Open Discussion VIII. Adjournment *Note the meeting, will hopefully last no longer than Jghour, As it is finals week. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES Senate Meeting 15-26 MSU Lounge 201 April 23, 1985 4:00 p.m. I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Senate President Pro Tempore Nichols at 4:00 p.m. II. Roll Call Present Senator Cherhoniak Senator Clay Senator Hendrick Senator Larson Senator Lieberman Senator Nichols Senator Speaks Senator Tornell Senator Wong There was not quorum Senate Pres. Pro Tempore Nichols called the meeting to a recess at 4:10 p.m. The meeting was called back to order at 4:19 p.m. Absent Senator Adams (excused) Senator Chadwell (excused) Senator Davis (excused) Senator Harrington (excused) Senator Kim (excused) Senator Kowalczyk (excused) Senator Maestas (excused) Senator Smith (excused) Present Senator Senator Clay Senator Hendrick Senator Larson Senator Lie Senator Nic Senator (unexcused)3 r Chadwell (unexcused) Senator Davis (unexcused)3 Senator Harrington (excused) Kim (unexcused)3 zyk (excused) s (excused) ed) 3 Senate President Varona arrived at the meeting at 4:20 p.m. Sen. Pres. Varona recessed the meeting at 4:20 p.m. The meeting was called back to order at 4:25 p.m. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 Senate Meeting 15-2 6 May 23, 1985 Page 2 III. Announcements None IV. Open Discussion Sen. President Varona explained and apologized for being late. Varona also discussed summer meetings. The Executive Board Nominations were discussed. V. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 due to lack of quorum.