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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angelos - July 3, 1950 Mr. W. H. Hulsisert Confirming ’phone conversation regarding nogotlo­tions for sale to the Lae Vegas Valley Water District of oar voter producing facilities and dietribatIon eyeten at Las Vegas1 As stated in my letter of Jane 29th to Mr. Clark* vlth copy to you* it seems to me we should first prepare a de­tailed inventory of the Railroad Company’s producing facili­ties and a separate Inventory of the Water Company’s distri­bution system* with dates of construction in ©aoh oase* for use in computing depreciation. We have information as to else and length of pipe lines that you furnished reoently in connection vlth rate in­crease study* but do not have data as to fittings and other elements necessary to complete these inventories. For work performed in recent years this informa­tion may be readily available from completion reports and Forms b9 0 7 * but undoubtedly for the early construction and for such distribution lines as we have taken over from private companies* It will be necessary to compile such Information based upon customary engineering practices. Will you please review records available at Omaha and advise what data oka be obtained from that aouroe. Mr. Ritter will assign Asst. Industrial Engineer L. R. Maag* Who la familiar vlth both the production ana dis­tribution facilities* to prepare these Inventories* and any deta you can furnish will be iqppreoiated* Wm. Reinhardt