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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    LAS VEGAS LAND & WATER COMPANY Payroll Deductions December 19*19 December 12, 19^9 W 16-2-2 Mr, Dm Union PaP.o lWfelnog eRrati lroad Go* Los Angeles, California Dear Mrs In DeoeovePrl e19a*s*e9 mfaokre setrhrel ofeosl lroewnindge rpeady rboyl Lla sd edVuecgtaiso nLsa nd athned Wmaotnetrh oCofm Dpeacneym bteor .e mpPlloyeeaes eI ns eynodu rc odpeyp aorf tmFeonrtm 2d3u7r intog this offloe* Very truly yours, General Manager* NSOV.C* 461 EMPLOYEE OCCQPATIOR AMOUHT Mils, lloyd Engineer 2*00 *»?8 Deverall, Georgs Conductor 2*00 mm 5 Smith, R. B. Engineer 20*00 8 Williams, H. Dm Brakeraan 20*00 10 RlOlUC, Dm Wtr Sto 13*86 Nor 20*00 Deo 16 Rollins F. J. Switchman 20*00 17 Pope, J* Jm Engineer 20*00 18 Golden, Pm J® Wtr Sto 20.00 11 Balthrope R* Brakeraan 15.36