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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, May 14, 1929 to February 11, 1937, lvc000003-170


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    Upon motion of Commissioners Hansell seconded by Commissioner German, the following Resolution was duly adopted: Resolved, that the application of Roy Grimes, D.J. Mc Cauley and R.H. Davenport for gaming licenses to be operated under at Lorenzi Resort, in the City of Las Vegas, County of Clark, State of Nevada, be and the same is hereby denied for the reason that under Or­dinance No. 165 of said City six gaming licenses (exclusive of licenses issued solely for the operation of slot machines) have already been issued in this City, and upon care­ful consideration of the question we believe that public interest requires that no addit­ional licenses (other than licenses solely for the operation of slot machines , and for additional games, st the location for which license is already granted, under the pro­visions of Section 9, of said Ordinance No. 165, 'Any licensee holding a valid existing license from the City of Las Vegas, and from the County of Clark, State of Nevada, for a current quarter may, during such current quarter, secure a license for additional slot machines, games or devices, as the case may be, over and above the particular number of slot machines, games or devices for which, he, they or it holds a license, for the remainder of the quarter by paying to the City Clerk the license fee above provided, for the additional particular slot machine, game or, device, as the case may be, and for which the City Clerk shall issue an additional license for the remainder of such quarter, and the additional license shall be upon the same terms and conditions as though issued under the provisions of Section 8 of this Ordinance,' be granted in this city in excess of the number already granted, until the further order of this board and until further or other gaming licenses (other than licenses solely for the operation of slot machines) are reasonably necessary for the accomodation of the public and the granting of such further or other licenses will not contravene public interest and will not require an excessive amount of police protection for a city the size of Las Vegas, Nevada, having in mind the funds provided for police pro­tection under the City's 1931 and 1932 Budgets heretofore adopted and the state of the City funds applicable to police protection. The vote on said Resolution was as follows: Commissioners German, Hansell, and Thomas and His Honor the Mayor voting Aye. Noes none. Upon motion of Commissioners Hansell seconded by Commissioner German the following Resolution was duly adopted: Resolved, that the application of Samuel Caruso, for gaming licenses to be operated under at 111 North First Street, in the City of Las Vegas, County of Clark, State of Nevada, be and the same is hereby denied for the reason that Under Ordinance No. 165 of the said City six gaming licenses exclusive of licenses issued soley for the operation of slot machines) have already been issued in this City, some of which are near said location, and, upon careful consideration of the question, we believe that public interest requires that no additional licenses (other than licenses soely for the operation of slot machines and for additional games, st the location for which license is already granted, under the provisions of Sec. 9 of said Ordinance No. 165, 'Any licensee holding a valid existing license from the City of Las Vegas, and from the County of Clark, and the State of Nevada for a current quarter may, during such current quarter, secure a license for additional slot machines, games or devices, as the case may be, over and above the particular number of slot machines, games or devices for which he, they or it holds a license, for the remainder of the quarter by paying the City Clerk the license fee above provided, for the particular slot machine, game or device as the case may be, and for which the City Clerk shall issue an additional license for the remainder of such quarter, and the additional license shall be upon the same terms and conditions as though issued under the provisions of Section 8 of this Ordinance,' be granted in this city in excess of the number already granted, until further order of this board and until further or other gaming licenses (other than licenses solely for the operation of slot machines) are reasonably necessary for the accomodation of the public and the granting of such further or other licenses will not contravene public interest and will not require an excessive amount of police protection for a city the size of Las Vegas, Nevada, having in min the funds provided for police pro­tection under the City's 1931 and 1932 Budgets heretofore adopted and the state of the city funds applicable to police protection. Vote on said Resolution was as follows: Commissioners W. C. German, R. W. Thomas, and L.B. Hansell, and His Honor the Mayor J.F. Hesse, voting Aye. Noes none. Upon motion of Commissioners Hansell, seconded by Commissioner German the follow­ing Resolution was duly adopted: RESOLVED, that the application of William Jones, and William Brown, for gaming licenses to be operated under at 217 Stewart Street in the City of Las Vegas, County of Clark, State of Nevada, be and the same is hereby denied for the reason that under Ordinance No. 165 of said City six gaming licenses (exclusive of licenses issued solely for the operation of slot machines) have already been granted in this city, some of which are near the said location and upon careful consideration of the question, we believe that public interest requires that no additional licenses (other that licenses solely for the operation of slot machines and for additional games, at the location for which license is already granted, under the pro­visions of section 9 of said Ordinance No. 165,' Any licensee holding a valid license from the City of Las Vegas, and from the County of Clark, State of Nevada, for a current quarter may, during such current quarter, secure a license for additional slot machines, games or devices, as the case may be, over and above the particular number of slot machines, games or devices for which he, they or it holds a license, for the remainder of the quarter by paying to the City Clerk the license fee above provided, for the additional particular slot machine, game or device, as the case may be, for which the City Clerk shall issue an additional license for the remainder of such quarter, and the additional license shall be upon the same terms and conditions as though issued under the provisions of Section 8 of this Ordinance,' be granted in this city in excess of the number already granted, until further order of this board and until further or other gaming licenses (other than licenses solely for the operation of slot machines) are reasonably necessary for the accomodation of the public and the granting of such further or other licenses will not contravene public interest and will not require additional excessive amount of police protection for a city the size of Las Vegas, Nevada, having in mind the funds provided for police protection under the City's 1931 and 1932 Budgets heretofore adopted and the state of the city funds applicable to police protection. the vote on said Resolution was as follows: Commissioners German, Hansell, and Thomas and His Honor the Mayor voting Aye. Noes none.