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% Hr* R . L* Adamson, Sheet S o . 20*. (12) Bower Transmission Line Station print indicates that e le c tr ic current from the power house is carried by pole lin e to depot, then on another pole line back to motor which is used in operating booster pump in 6* coaoh hydrant lin e . Labor______ Matl* fo ta l Work Order #1305, completed in 1915 Overhead e le c tr ic power transmission lin e for depot #8 copper w ire, insulators and a ll necessary fittin g s , $79*12 (Si) Installed prior to June 30, 1914 Wood pole lin e , power plant to depot, $133*96 (33) Total ledger value o f transmission lin e : iya^jO^ 38PTB: The record indicates that the transmission lin e from depot back to the booster pump was constructed subsequent to June 30, 1914, but it does not show that the lin e was charged to investment account* (13) Stock Yard Water Lines 5* W. I . water pipe lin e from the 16” wooden supply lin e to stock yards and including stock yard water tank and stock yard service lines • Original Construction - Oaliente West. 1905-1906 Pipe lin e serving stock pens now numbered 1 to 4 i n c l ., 9 and 10, 32 and 33. l - l / 2 M black iron pipe and fittin g s complete in p la ce , l i n . f t . 201 $9*15 $15*34 $24*49 (16) Work Order 639, completed October 1907 In sta lla tion pipe lin e serving stock pen which is now included in pens 5 and 8 Pipe and fitt in g s , complete in p la ce, (quantity and size not available) $72*50 $35*12 $107*62 (16) Woik Order 1368. completed in Ootober 1914 in sta lla tion o f pipe lin e serving 5 stock pens now numbered 6,7,12 and 27 to 31 in cl* 432 f t . S*H* b o ile r tubes with fit t in g s , cos$lete in p la ce , $53*25 $30*27 $83*52 (16) Wo tk Order 1657. completed in February 1916 In stallation o f pipe lin e serving stock pens how numbered 13 to 18 in cl* and 23 to 26 in cl*