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SHIRLEY HOUGHTON Hi I WESTERN REPRESENTATIVES UNIT CONSTRUCTION CO. OP ST. LOUIS CONTROLLING UNIT CONSTRUCTION METHODS FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE PATENTS GRANTED, ADDITIONAL PATENTS PENDING R. H. VAN SANT, Jr. TELEPHONE SETTER 6046 k s- I 1||M I V V OFFICE SEP 7 1916 C H IEF ENG INEER ?Jf? AN6ELES, ! 0 ki6 p -u6 iHu 8 3T 6 , 192i-to V A N S A NT - H O U G H T O N E N G IN E E R IN G A N D C O N S T R U C T IO N 503 M A R K E T STREET HOOKER AND LENT BUILDING S A N F R A N C IS C O Mr .Arthur Maguire, C hief Engineer, o • h *, h • A # cc o • 0 • x l . h« C o., P a c ific E le c tr ic Bui Id i ngr Los A n geles, C a lif o rn ia . Dear S ir : Enclosed herewith fin d copies of . our design fo r concrete water tank as described by you to the w r ite r , some time ago. The exact lo c a tio n of th is tank on your lin e ^ the w rite r i s not c e rta in o f, but is o f the b e l i e f i t is at Yerrao/ i We w i l l construct the tank sfs shown, making complete working drawing's fo r the same i f our/proposal is accepted by you, fo r the sum o f $>2500.00. / / This proposal is based upon your company fu rn ish in g fr e e tran sp ortation fo r men and masterials over i t s own lin e s , and the necessary concrete m a teria ls, f . o. b. the work. 1 The quantity o f eonor e je m aterials is as fo llo w s : Cement..............200 bbls . Concrete g r a r e l.190 cu. yds. are Thanking you f o r your con sideration o f t h is m atter, we Yours very tr u ly , DEK-hs