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    Mr. Toland? #3 June 10* 1938. With regard to the f i r s t paragraph, Page 3 of your le tte r: W© have always reported "Maximum Water Supply8 as the amount which has passed through the master meter during the year; In other words, the portion of the water used by the Las Vegas Land and Water Company fo r distribution in the c ity , However, i f you are making the annual report to the Commission on behalf of both the railroad and the water company, It would seem proper to report the to tal amount of water produced, as shown by weir measurements at the source, as the maximum amount of water a v a ila b le . Item 6, collecting canals and supply mains: Hone is correct. Item 7, Transmission mains? It is my thought that the to tal length of a l l main© used for the trans­mission of water, regardless of whether owned by the ra ilro ad or water company, should be included in this report, and that is the basis on which, we have made our annual reports to you in the past. The information with regard to 9,750 f t . of 18-inch and 11,395 f t , of 34-inch transmission mains, was secured from Mr, Adamson this wire C-908 Feb, 9, 1932), and includes mains of this size owned by the railroad company only* I am not entirely clear as to your reference to 330 feet owned by the L.V.L.& l.C o. In 1936, the r a i l­road company in stalled a main across Clark. Street, at the time their 34-inoh main was la id from the springs and w ells down to Clark Street} however, it is our understand­ing from the engineer’ s map that this was a 14-inch main and its length was 149 fe e t, and we have so shown it in our annual report under "Distribution mains8. The owner­ship of this short main across Clark Street rests in the water company. Item 8, "Distribution mains*? The figu res re­ported in our le tte r of February 5, 1938, are based on a (then) new map prepared by Mr. Adamson’ s engineer here during 1939, and shown in our mailgram B-S of Maroh 5, 1930 to Mr, Barry, in response to his 1-285 of same date, We use those figures as a base, adding thereto each year