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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 20 21 22 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 ( f e - t ) B e tw e en p o i n t s I , F a n d d j ( k - 3 ) B e tw e e n paint® F a a d I # an d H a M j j (k »% ) B e tw e en p o in t s K a n d It, $0 f e a t in w id th | (k-3) Between points 1 and 0, and M and Fj (k-6) Between points dJ and Qj ( k - T ) Between points i and Z% a M far the ecaiatruotlon, maintenance, operation, repair a M replacement &£ a pipe line to I® cans true ted by Bis-triot subsequent to the sale date, the center-line loca­tion of which is described, in said Exhibit * 'F r and is shown, fey solid red line m said exhibit MAHi (k-S) Between points BS and ff| and for the e one traction, maintenance, operable!!, impair and replacement of the fencing pipe lines for the con­veyance of water to be constructed by the Railroad &*»- Ponies, or their successors in ownership, 'pursuant to the provisions of Section f hereof, the center-line lo-m t l m of each of which said pip# lines u described in Sshihit Mr and is shown by broken red and white lines or b y solid red lima on said Exhibit *A* ? ( k - 9 ) B e tw e en p o in t s S , f and f j {k-10) B a t m e n p o in t # A an d f i ( k - l l ) B e tw e e n p o in t s T an d E# (k - 1 2 ) B e tw e e n p o i n t s T an d B j ( k - l j ) B e tw e en p o in t # X a n t S j an d ?