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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Form 2191B c s 10-28-150,000 T E L E G R A M SYMBOL X CLASS OF SERVICE REQUIRED Px Preferred Immediate delivery Dx Day Delivery during day Nx Night Delivery by next morning Indicate by X In proper line the class of service required. Do not specify preferred service if other service w ill answer the purpose. 1* L . Adamson, F. R. tioifam©©. Ft. 13• P erk in s, Los A n geles. &©» Angeles, A p r il 10, 1939, ikieloeed copy o f ta&Xlgrm turn Mr, Jeffers dated A p ril 6, regarding densest!© water ©apply la s Vega® Is self-exp lan atory. Suggest Mr. Adtussan furnish ftafomatloft necessary to sake appropriate reply, haying Mr, Jackson confer w ith Mr. MgHao©* as m y he necessary, and securing such information from Mr. Perkins as say he required • I t w ill he noted that we are asked to handle the natter as quickly as p o ssib le . Therefore, suggest iflwddlate consideration o f the su bject. k«$7? F . E. K nickerbocker 840 m O rig 9215-355 Las Vegas, Water f a c i l i t i e s and supply,LA&SL RR ®o. Copy 085-355 Las vegas, Sale o f water and e l e c t r i c i t y by LA&SL / v to LVL&W Co. Kfopy 9215-355 Las Vegas tow nsite - water system - LVL&W Co. 9215-355 Las *egas, Boulder R e a lty Co. - sale o f water to f