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I agree.December 5, 1952 80*11 MArt,t oLranoe yA *a tM eLNaawm e: e ?; 11 Portal Building Lae Vegas, Mevada Hot Lae Vegas Valley Water District bid. Bear Loot In connection with our conference held Thursday* December 4th* with Mr. Campbell* I am enclosing two copies of revised draft of bid* which I think contains the changes in the bid* subject of my letter of December 2nd. |t suggest you give this consideration* and if you desire any changes* or if 1 have not in* eluded the changes suggested at our conference as you understood them, X would appreciate your writing me before this bid la submitted to the Directors of the District« As X stated in my other letter | hope to have the maps and other contract prepared prior to action thereon by the District on this proposal* and if they contemplate any speedy action* X hope It will be delayed for another week as X am having considerable difficulties having the maps prepared. fours veryj*truly* Ends! 2 1. S. Bennett cci Jtrv Wa* Reinhardt Mr. W. H. Johnson Mr. R. L. Adamson