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I agree.Las Vegas - March 2, 1944 W 23-1-22 Huntridge Development Company 1109 South Tenth Street Lae Vegas, Nevada Attention; Mr. J. D. Cavanaugh ftentlemen; Referring to our conversation a day or two ago regarding necessity for discontinuing water service to those locations in your tract where service connection charges have not been paid. For your information and guidance I attach a list In duplicate showing block, lot, and addresses where our records indicate connection charge I#5.00) has not beenpaid, although the premises are apparently occupied. Will you kindly indicate on copy the names of these occupants, and return it to me. In line with our policy of cooperation to avoid Inconvenience to your tenants and home buyers, It will be appreciated If you will ask them is each case to promptly call at the Water Company's office and make customary arrangements for water service. Yours truly, "TOTgr R r 'BfULCKSH 3?. S. kindly advise name of occupant in Block 27, Lot 24, (1148 Maryland Parkway) formerly occupied by Major Wood. w.a.B