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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Hr* Knickerbocker: u April 1, 1936 Oar monthly ©ash aolleotions averaged #4760 for the past_slx months* and I am enclosing a statement taken fro® our balance sheet Showing era earnings for the year 1936, in which oar water system earned as 16*0, per cent oh oar investment* netting not ar;ly the Water company a handsome profit hat also the Hail* road on its Investment in the form of rentals, in the amount of #17,703*08. I am very mueh exercised over the present si that! on and oat look for this Sommer, and sinoerely hope the request for p i l | || ||3 1 l V 5 ri ' ' v | ; . k | ' r \ - f< - J ^ - / , | »V ' -'?* § $ 1 p H *' ^ | 11| | | | m | fs | an additional well can he given prompt and favorable considera­tion* Tours very truly, Vice President* oe - Mr* W. M, Jeffers, President, 1.V.L.& W.Q©., Omaha, Nebraska.